Wellness Services- STEP
Wellness Services- STEP
Wellness Services is located in Downtown Flint. It’s a safe space where individuals and couples can get tested for HIV and STIs and get free condoms and lube. Members of the LGBT community can drop-in and hang out, attend educational workshops, help plan and attend events, use a computer or watch some television. We are here to be a space that you can be yourself without concerns.
We have expanded past our original mission and have moved to a vision of how we see our community. We employ a harm reduction model to our everyday practices and believe in advocating for marginalized populations across a myriad of social justice issues. We treat everyone with dignity and respect. This is a Safe Space.
Syringe Access and Overdose Education
STEP is an SSP (Syringe Service Program). Access to free sterile syringes has been proven to reduce the spread of HIV and Hepatitis C in the community. Clients who are enrolled in the STEP program have access to sterile syringes, and clean works kits as well as other services that are provided by Wellness Services.
What Clients Can Expect
20-minute intake process to become a card-carrying member of STEP
Overdose education
Access to Naloxone/Narcan
Access to Clean Work kits and materials
Access to safer sex education and supplies
Assistance in accessing insurance and medical care