UM-Flint- Mpowering My Success
UM-Flint- Mpowering My Success
Mpowering My Success provides students who have experienced time in foster care with an added layer of support during their journey in college through personalized success plans that focus on education, mental health, belonging, relationships, and life skills.
UM-Flint students who are under the age of 23 and meet one of the following criteria may be eligible for the Mpowering My Success Program:
Student was in foster care on or after their 14th birthday
Student was adopted from foster care on or after their 16th birthday
Student was in a non-secure delinquency placement supervised by Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) on or after their 14th birthday
In partnership with the DHHS, Mpowering My Success is an on campus program at UM-Flint that is dedicated to providing wrap-around support services to students who have experienced foster care. Students who meet eligibility requirements and become involved in the program receive access to a wide variety of resources, including:
Regular meetings with a Masters Level Life Skills Coach
24/7 Emergency on-call support
Financial assistance and annual emergency funds
Life Skills Workshops
Referrals to both on and off campus resources as necessary
Regular meetings with assigned mentor
On campus housing during school breaks if needed
Assistance as needed when applying for Education and Training Voucher (ETV), Fostering Futures Scholarship, etc.