Carriage Town Ministries
Carriage Town Ministries
We began in 1950 as the Flint Rescue Mission on the banks of the Flint River at Grand Traverse Street. We’ve been led by Jon Schaich, Jerry Peaster, Bob Sweeney, Lois St. Clair and now Dr. Dallas Gatlin…Only 5 directors in 70 years! We’ve been supported throughout those years by faithful churches and individuals who recognize the calling of Matthew 25 to ministers to the hungry, the thirsty and the individuals in need of a place to stay.
We are a campus of learning and restoration in Flint’s historic Carriage Town neighborhood. Visitors and residents find a haven of safety and acceptance, learning and responsibility, structure and productivity…A place to find a new birth, a sense of purpose for today and hope for tomorrow.
A Place to Sleep
Carriage Town provides 24 hour emergency shelter for men, women and children in need.
Men’s Shelter
Carriage Town Ministries is equipped to provide shelter for men 18 years and older. The men’s shelter is located in our main building at 605 Garland St. Flint, MI 48503.
Please call (810) 233-8787 for questions and intake information. Emergency shelter is available 24 hours a day.
Women’s Shelter
Our Family Center is home to single women and women with children. The Family Center is located at 705 Garland St. Flint, MI 48503.
Please call (810) 238-6847 for questions and intake information. Emergency Shelter is available 24 hours a day.