City of Flint- Public Health Navigator Program
City of Flint- Public Health Navigator Program
The Office of Public Health was created to mitigate the harms of the Flint Water Crisis and is uniquely positioned to focus on improving public health among the residents of the City of Flint.
Core Values: Honesty, Community, Justice
Vision: An environment where everyone who lives, works, studies, travels and plays within the City of Flint, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, income, sexual orientation, religion, ability, country of origin, or language spoken, can thrive.
Mission: The Office of Public Health will be prepared, create partnerships, nurture trust, share information, facilitate communication and build relationships toward public health.
Public Health Navigators provide the following services:
* Education & outreach on water testing and safety
* Water testing, in compliance with the Lead & Copper Rule
* Water testing for residents and businesses, upon request
* Interpretation of water testing results and referrals to assist with addressing any results that are out-of-range
* Water filtration systems and refills
* Arranging tours of the Flint Water Treatment Plant
* Referrals to programs that assist with paying water bills
* Information about and referrals to lead service line replacement
* Assistance with pre-enrolling and completing the application to join the Flint Registry (incentive available)
* Referrals to the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program
* Collecting stories from residents about their experiences to advocate for improving existing services, filling gaps in services and advocating for policy change
* Referring residents to resources in the community
* Ensuring new programs and funding are reaching the entire community, including the most vulnerable members
* Members of a local LGBTQ+ Coalition