Crim Fitness Foundation- Mindfulness Initiative
Crim Fitness Foundation- Mindfulness Initiative
What is the Crim’s Mindful Flint Initiative?
Our Purpose:
To co-create a thriving greater Flint community; sharing the science, practices, and policies that nurture mental well-being.
The Crim team convenes local and national collaborators to support Flint and Genesee County youth and adults to thrive by sharing the science, practices and policies that nuture mental well-being.
At the invitation of the Foundation for a Mindful Society, Flint is serving as the nation’s flagship Mindful City. This means other communities are looking to us to realize our vision of engaging a critical mass of Flint-area residents – 25% or 30,000 people by 2025 – all learning the science, practicing the skills, and having supportive policies and conditions to thrive.
The Crim supports a leadership collaborative to leverage resources to integrate the skills of mindfulness and compassionate leadership into the fabric of our community; impacting the way we do business, support our health, connect with one another and respond to life’s challenges.
Our Vision
Our vision is a community where all children born in Flint and Gensee County have equal opportunities to thrive; eliminating inequities such as the 15-year gap in life expectancy between community members who live in North Flint and those in neighboring suburbs. This vision is co-created alongside diverse community leaders from the health, non-profit, civic, education, and business sectors who ensure this effort is relevant, accessible and complimentary to other critical community efforts.
Program Description
How to get involved in upcoming programs, workshops and events:
Please join us at existing programs including:
• Free Community Classes in Mindfulness and Yoga happening every week
• Mindful Leadership Trainings and Workshops
o Mindful Me: Developing a Personal Mindfulness Practice
o Playing Attention: Sharing Mindfulness with Youth
o Search Inside Yourself Leadership Training
o Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
o Conscious Discipline
• Presentations on Adverse Childhood Experiences and Positive Childhood Experiences
• Quarterly gatherings for Ambassadors and Program Alumni
• Consultation and Coaching support to help your organization support wellbeing
How to get involved to co-create future offerings:
Please reach out with your ideas and/or to co-create a future offering in your school, business, church, community center, neighborhood, local park, etc.