
Partners in Prevention Portal: New Partner

Organization Name ? Name of the organization
Organization Description ? description of organization
Location ? Address of organization
Phone Number ? Main phone number of organization
Fax Number ? Main fax number of organization
E-mail Address ? Main e-mail address of organization
Social Accounts ? The organization’s social media to be included as links on the listing
Logo ? Upload the organization’s logo
File Name File Size
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Program Name ? Name of the program. Different than organization name.
Program Description ? Describe the program, what it does, who it serves.
Files ? Upload any relevant documents
File Name File Size
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Max file size 2MB. Supported file formats: txt asc c cc h srt pdf zip docx
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Website URL ? Link to the program page of the website
Categories ? Select any categories that apply to the program
Ages Served ? Select any age groups the program serves
Hours of Operation ? Select times the program is open
Program Contact Info
Name ? Name of the contact person for the program
Phone ? Phone number of the contact person for the program
Videos ? Add any relevant video links to the listing
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